The Danger of “the believable lie”

If I posted every thought I had about politics and lies, this would be a depressing blog indeed. I have to admit that my thoughts and reactions have been evolving over the past 5 years of political churn so although I don’t post very often, I can see where two posts may seem in opposition to each other. On the subject of lying, my view hasn’t changed: The “believable lie” is the most culturally destructive force on the planet.

Anyone who can clearly discern truth and is willing to accept truth, even though it may be an uncomfortable truth, probably feels under assault daily. We focused on the obvious untruths that flowed like water out of the Trump administration, but recent events in Ukraine have reminded me that lying to shift the mindset of a nation isn’t limited to the USA. We see that Russia, the originator of the art misinformation to blind the masses, has one-upped the US.

What I find most interesting is that believable lies often end in violence. Early on in our history it was the lie of the inferiority of black people. That led to subjugation and death, which continues today. More recently it was the lie that the last Presidential election was “stolen” and that led to the insurrection at the Capitol and the death of several. Our penchant for accepting “little white lies” has resulted in us being able to stomach BIG lies; Lies that take on a life of their own, lies that hurt, maim and kill, not only physically, but intellectually and spiritually.

Listen to what Putin says about the Ukraine: That it has a puppet regime supported by the West. That the West is supporting Neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine that suppress democracy. He, and his supporters, say these lies with complete conviction and repeat them often which makes the barefaced lie into a believable lie over time. The same tactics my friends in the Republican Party use to press their lies forward. Say anything with conviction and repetitiously, and it becomes “true”. That makes this Republican grumpy.

I am not sure what will be the way out, both for the US and the nest of lies that drive the culture and for Ukraine and the nest of lies that drives the Russian forces forward. The solution used to be to find the truth and embrace it. But with more information available to us than ever before, our ability to discern truth and then accept it has become more and more diminished.

As a Christian, my hope doesn’t reside in the ability of people to “get it”. Truth resides only in one place: our Triune God. So, if you are a praying person, pray that truth, God’s truth, will take hold in hearts that both broken and corrupted by sin. There is only One Way out.

Freedom in 2019

I doubt my resolution to keep up this blog will succeed but it is worth a shot: I resolve to be more regular in my blogging. Job and subject matter not withstanding, I hope I can make good on my resolve…

We think that freedom is lost when we are denied some prior right to access. Perhaps loss of freedom is when we could speak freely and no longer are granted that right. Or cross borders whenever and wherever we would like. But the current administration is stripping freedoms from us daily and we hardly notice. We used to freely discuss inconsistencies and challenge bad or misleading data. We are no longer allowed to do that as it is labeled “fake news”. In fact, normal discussion is no longer allowed. The discussion can only be about the President Himself. Discussing facts or engaging in dialog is no longer tolerated if it doesn’t center on the President. There is no freedom to make America Great in any way but the President’s way. All other avenues are “liberal conspiracies” or “deep state” activities.

There are gross exaggerations and outright lies coming from this administration every day. Without truth, there can be no freedom. Freedom is the living out of the truth of our Design every day. Freedom is acting on the truths that drive us onward daily. Lies derail freedom in every way. An administration that does not operate on the basis of truth is is as free as a dictatorship.

I marvel that our President can lie so openly and still receive support from his base. Most recently he insulted our Military by promising, in a lie, that they will finally receive, after a 10 year wait, their first raise. A raise of 10 percent! No doubt the families of the military would appreciate and even deserve a 10 percent raise. But it was a lie. But then again, lying is a natural as breathing in this administration.

My hope in 2019 is that somehow this damaged and broken and perhaps sinking ship of state with right itself in truth. We need the freedom that truth can only bring.